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Release notes - October 2023
David Rolenc avatar
Written by David Rolenc
Updated over a week ago

Release notes – October 31, 2023

  • Added the ability to pin offers to affiliate's dashboard. Read more details in this article.

  • Coupons are now available for users in the free plan in limited quantities.

  • Small bug fixes and updates.

Release notes – October 26, 2023

  • You can now set conversions into on hold status allowing you to create a custom delay before adding conversions to your affiliate's payout. Read more in this article.

  • Fraud suspicion has been added to conversion report exports.

  • Various small bug fixes and improvements.

Release notes – October 24, 2023

  • Mass import affiliates from CSV is now supported in public beta – read more about the feature in this article.

  • Click test feature has been introduced to onboarding process, check if your integration is working correctly before launching offers to affiliates, read more here.

  • Custom domain feature is now included in the Growing Business plan.

  • Offer name is now shown in breadcrumbs on offer detail.

  • Offer list layout is now saved on the fly.

  • Improved UX for managing creatives and affiliate tracking in offers.

  • Other minor bug fixes and optimisations.

Release notes – October 17, 2023

  • Custom color themes for admin and affiliate views have been introduced. Read more in this article about how to make Trackdesk yours even more!

  • Report tables now allow hiding and reordering of columns. Keep track of only the data that interests you the most, learn more in this article.

  • Explanatory tooltips have been added to the columns in the aggregated reports and blocked landing pages.

Release notes - October 11, 2023

  • IP address display was added for affiliates suspected of fraud

  • Sidebar and topbar have been unified into a singular UI element

Release notes - October 9, 2023

  • Fixed bug related to editing Landing pages with hidden status

  • Fixed logo display in emails on macOS dark mode

  • Deleted internal TODO comments in the API docs

  • Updated texts and sorting in the Dashboard

Release notes - October 5, 2023

  • Currency override when creating a conversion was added to the system, for more info see this article - LINK

  • Status was introduced for landing pages, for more info see this article - LINK

  • Dashboard for admin and affiliate were updated with new widgets and Quick actions

    • Quick actions were added for admin

    • Affiliate overview and New conversions widgets were added for admin

    • Widget with recommended resources was added for admin

    • Daily overview and New conversions widgets were added for affiliate

  • Ability to select Offer currency was added to Offer templates flow

  • Reason of the fraud suspicion is now shown in all places where Fraud detection is tracked

  • Filter for fraud suspicion was added to the Affiliate list

  • Tracking methods were separated into more sections to make the Integrations list more understandable

  • Automated checking of our Stripe for new payments was reduced from 1 hour to 15 minutes

  • Edge case when entering a specific format to field Personal token in Stripe integration setup was fixed

  • System tour widget in the left bottom corner of page was redesigned to contain a menu and be more straightforward

  • Custom message for affiliate registration was moved to right side for wider displays in place of the default image that was deleted

  • Shortcut to contact affiliates via email via Affiliate detail was introduced

  • Code snippets in Integrations are now better formatted and always able to be copied with one click

  • Redemtion of coupons is now excluded from Fraud detection indications

  • Colors of text and background for emails in Dark mode on Mac were fixed

  • Links and other longer texts without space were fixed to not overflow in Description, Restrictions and Internal note fields of the offer

  • Visual images were added to the affiliate registration

  • Ability to unselect the Visibility filter in Offer list was fixed

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