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Offer Caps

Set up caps for offers and redirect traffic to alternative options once caps are reached.

Zuzana Toulcová avatar
Written by Zuzana Toulcová
Updated over a week ago

Offer caps allow you to define conversion/revenue thresholds for individual offers and redirect clicks after the threshold is passed.

⚠️ Offer caps are available only for offers that use redirect tracking/landing pages. Learn more about redirect tracking here.

You can also view an interactive demo for this feature.

Setting up offer caps

To set up an offer cap, navigate to the offer details and click on the caps page in the offer menu:

Click on the "Add new cap" button to start creating a new cap:

You can choose whether you want to cap all conversions created on an offer or if you only want to cap specific conversion types. In a similar way, you can choose what conversion statuses should be counted towards the cap. Please note that each conversion type can be used only in one cap.

In the next step, choose what metric should be used for the caps:

You can select between capping the number of conversions or the sum of revenue generated from conversions. The caps can be set globally, per individual affiliate, or as a combination of both.

  • Global limit counts all matching conversions/revenue regardless of the affiliate who made them.

  • Affiliate cap limits the amount of matching conversions/revenue each affiliate can generate.

A combination of both sets a global limit as well as how many conversions/revenue each affiliate can generate.

In the last step, select what you want to do with traffic after the cap is reached:

You can either redirect traffic to a different offer that uses redirect tracking or choose not to redirect at all, resulting in incoming clicks being lost.

Once created, you will see the progress being made towards the cap in the caps page:

Individual affiliates caps

You also have an option to set a specific cap for specific affiliates. Click on the "Individual affiliate caps" tile in the cap details to open the side modal with the settings. Select the affiliate to have the specific cap amount:

You can keep track of progress for each individual affiliate in the side modal once individual limits are set:

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