Granting Access of Affiliates:
You are able to choose between two states for newly registered affiliates:
Automatically approve all affiliates after sign up
Manually approve all affiliates that signed up
Automatic Approval
Automatically approved affiliates are let into the system right away after registration.
A welcome email is sent to them after registration with information on how to log in to the system.
Manual Approval
Manually approved affiliates are not let into the system right away after registration. They enter a page stating they will be handled by you soon, and they are unable to enter the system until you approve them.
A "pending welcome" email is sent to them right away after registration. Once they are manually approved by you, then the welcome email after approval is sent to them.
How to approve an affiliate
Affiliates can be approved or rejected in the affiliate list in the detail of the affiliate.
When an affiliate is approved, an email stating the registration was approved is sent to them.
Affiliate status
The status of an affiliate can be changed to the following statuses:
How to Change an Affiliate's Status
A change of an affiliate's status is done in the affiliate list in the detail of an affiliate.
For sidemodal detail view:
For full page detail view:
Bulk change affiliates' status
You can do bulk update of affiliates' status by ticking the checkbox on the list, a prompt will show up on the bottom of the screen with the option to mass update the status of selected affiliates:
You will be presented with the option to change both the affiliate status and their traffic status. The traffic status designates whether incoming traffic of the affiliate is collected.
Affiliate status descriptions:
Enabled affiliates
Enabled affiliates have access to the system and are able to receive statistics in your system. When the affiliate status is changed to Enabled, a welcome email is sent to them.
Pending affiliates
Pending affiliates are affiliates that are waiting for your approval (or they were manually switched to this status). Pending affiliates are unable to log in to your system or receive traffic to their statistics.
Disabled affiliates
Disabled affiliates are unable to log in to your system or receive traffic to their statistics.