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WooCommerce Plugin Integration
David Rolenc avatar
Written by David Rolenc
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through setting up our WooCommerce tracking plugin.

In order to successfully integrate our plugin into your WooCommerce website, you need to have an offer with a conversion type of Unlimited recurrence limit and Percentage payout. Most preferable is to use the Sale conversion type as it is prefilled in the plugin.

Other types of recurrence limit - once and specified number of times are also able to be used if needed for your use case.

When the above requirements are fulfilled, you install the plugin provided by us. The plugin can be found in the detail of the offer in the Tracking method step (or at the last step of the offer create).

In the same place, there is a continuation of the guide.

Steps to Set Up the Plugin

  1. Create an offer with the parameters mentioned above.

  2. Download the plugin in the offer detail as mentioned above.

  3. Upload the downloaded zip folder on Plugins page, via Upload Plugin button.

  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

  5. Navigate to Admin > WooCommerce > Trackdesk

  6. Fill in all the fields with the information mentioned below.

  7. Check the Enable checkbox and Save changes.

Parameters Added to the Plugin

  • Tenant ID

    • This is the domain of your program (for example if your Trackdesk URL is "" then your Tenant ID is "my-program").

    • It can be also found on the Settings main page.

  • API Key

    • Can be added/taken in the offer detail, tracking method tab in the WooCommerce tracking setup, or in the Personal tokens menu in settings.

  • Order Received Conversion Type Code

    • This will need to be the conversion type you filled in the offer mentioned above.

  • Revenue Origin ID

    • Can be added/taken in the offer detail, tracking method tab in the WooCommerce tracking setup, or on the Settings main page.


  • This integration works only with one conversion type and if you wish to use more offers for the WooCommerce store you will need to use only one conversion type.

  • The conversion statuses of orders are automatically handled by our plugin

  • This integration isn’t compatible with WooCommerce plugins for Memberships and Subscriptions.

  • This integration will not work if a custom checkout page or separate checkout plug-in is being used.

Testing Your Integration

Please remember to test the creation of click and conversion before starting your program. This way you can verify that tracking has been set up correctly. You can create a test click for a test affiliate via tracking link you are able to get in the offer detail and then create a 0 value conversion on your website as if user made the conversion to test tracking was correctly set up.

It is best to check if it correctly records the click report and conversion report in your Trackdesk account. When information won't occur in the system, you can have a look into the Conversion error log for more information.

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