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Track Shopify Coupons via Zapier
David Rolenc avatar
Written by David Rolenc
Updated over 4 months ago

Redemption of Shopify coupons can easily be tracked via Zapier. In the guide below, you will be shown all the ways you are able to connect tracking of Shopify coupons to coupons of your affiliates in your Trackdesk account.

First and second sections (Trigger and Action) below will be setting up of a Zapier Zap. Third part will be sync of Coupons to your Trackdesk account.


As a Trigger, you can choose between following Shopify triggers, depending on what fits you more (only these triggers send information about redeemed coupons):

  • New Order (triggers when an order is created)

  • New Paid Order (triggers only when an order is paid)

After selecting a trigger, connect your account and perform a test.

After you connect your account and pull the test data, you can save the step.

With this Trigger, the action will be complete.


We recommend adding a filter action Filter by Zapier to let only orders with coupons go through. If this filter is not set, Zap uses more usage and stops after some time due to errors of coupons not contained in them.

You will use conditions "Discount Codes Code" and "Exists." This will ensure only orders with coupons will go through.


As an Action that will follow one of the above mentioned triggers, you will choose Trackdesk integration and select the Action "Create Coupon Conversion".

Next, you will connect your Trackdesk account in account section. By filling your Tenant ID and API key, you can copy both of these pieces of information from the Settings page in your program.

Next, you will fill in the Action itself. The following parameters are required:

  • Coupon code

    • For the coupon code, choose Discount Codes Code, which is the coupon code that you added in Shopify.

  • Conversion status

    • If you won't follow with automations to change statuses, select the status Approved.

  • Revenue origin ID

    • This information can be found on the Settings page in your Trackdesk system (in the same place where you retrieved the Tenant ID and API key previously).

  • Conversion type code

    • Enter the conversion type code you would like to use.

    • Make sure the offer your affiliates are using contains this conversion type.

  • Country of customer who redeems the coupon

    • If you have the country available from some other steps you are adding to this flow, you can add the country in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format.

    • If you don't have the country available, you can choose any country from the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 format as a placeholder.

  • Amount

    • If Conversion type you selected uses a percentage payout, you will need to fill in the amount from which Affiliate payout will be calculated.

    • If Conversion type you selected doesn't use a percentage payout (and uses fixed payout), you can skip this field as the payout for affiliate is already set on the offer in the system.

Now you can save the Zap and move to the part on side of your Trackdesk system.

Coupons Part in the Trackdesk System

When you have the Zap ready, you need to ensure that the coupons with their codes are present in the system.

In order to create a coupon, navigate to menu Affiliates > submenu Coupons and use the Add new coupon button.

Now fill in the information for coupons

  • Coupon Code - This field needs to be an exact match to the information selected above in the trigger - Discount Codes Code.

  • Referral ID / Affiliate ID- Affiliate for which the coupon is created (so the redemption of the coupon can be attributed to the affiliate).

  • Offer - Offer to which coupons will be assigned (for saved revenue and payouts purposes).


In order to test the coupons, we recommend creating a coupon for 100% discount and use it on a test customer in Shopify. If when both above parts - Zap and Coupons in Trackdesk - are ready, then the conversion will start showing in the Conversion report.

In order to troubleshoot Coupons, see the Conversion error log in your system in menu Tracking > submenu Conversion error log.

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