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Conversion currency override
David Rolenc avatar
Written by David Rolenc
Updated over a week ago

Conversion currency is by default assigned from the pricing group that it is assigned to, this depends on the location (IP address) of the visitor. In the screenshot below Global location is used, global location allows all countries to be accepted for this pricing group.

For the below screenshot USD currency is used and added for all covnersions that fall into this pricing group.

How to create a conversion with different currency

In order to create a conversion with different currency than the assigned pricing group, you will have to first allow another currencies that you wish to accept. This can be done in Settings, in menu Currencies.

After currencies are added, the added currencies are ready to be accepted when conversion is created.

Next, you will add a parameter currencyCode to the tracking code for conversion as shown in the example below. Alternatively for API integration, see the GET and POST request documentation.

This is an example script with currencyCode parameter added.

<!-- Trackdesk tracker begin -->
<script async src="//"></script>

trackdesk("YOUR_TENANT_ID", "conversion", {
"conversionType": "sale",
"currencyCode": "REPLACE_ME",
"amount": {
"value": "ORDER_VALUE"
<!-- Trackdesk tracker end -->

Make sure to replace value "REPLACE_ME" in parameter currencyCode with the actual currency you wish to create the conversion with. Currency formats are accepted in ISO 4217 format.

Make sure to replace other needed values YOUR_TENANT_ID and ORDER_VALUE with actual values.

Note that Currency can be changed only for cases of revenue share (when not fixed payouts are used)

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