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Quick Actions
David Rolenc avatar
Written by David Rolenc
Updated over a week ago

Quick actions allow you to quickly access important actions of an offer.

In order to see quick actions, navigate to the Offer list and use the menu icon in the block of the offer.

A List of Quick Actions

Change Visibility

This is the ability to switch the visibility of an offer to private and public.

Clone Offer

This ability is to clone an offer. Cloning the offer moves you to a prefilled created offer which you are able to edit.

For more information about the cloning offer feature, see the following article - Clone offer.

Deactivate/Activate Offer

This ability is to turn an offer off and on.

Delete Draft Offer

This ability enables you to delete an offer in the draft state. Offers can only be deleted while in a draft state.

For more information about deleting of a draft offer, see the following article - Delete draft offer or landing pages.

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